Storytime Speakeasy – Artumnal Gathering Celebration
Presented by Pink Mammoth
Friday, November 15, 2019
Great Northern, 119 Utah Street, San Francisco | 9:00pm-4:00am
A fundraiser to benefit Burning Man Project and Mammoth Arts Foundation
Tickets: $40-$60
Library of Babel – Artumnal Gathering Dinner & Auction
Saturday, November 16, 2019 | 5:00pm – 12:30am
Terra Gallery, 511 Harrison Street, San Francisco
A fundraiser to benefit Burning Man’s Art and Civic Engagement programs
Reserved Table for eight guests Gala Dinner & Auction – $5,000-$25,000
Individual Ticket Gala Dinner & Auction – $625
You can purchase tickets to one or more of the festivities and we thank you for your generous support!

Photo by Jane Hu
Library of Babel
Burning Man Project cordially invites you to the Library of Babel Artumnal Gathering Dinner and Auction, an annual celebration of art, artists, makers, creators, and inspirational communities of the worldwide Burning Man culture.
This year we welcome you to the “Library of Babel,” a short story that describes the world’s biggest library. It houses every book ever written, and that will be written. Stories have a protagonist, setting, some kind of plot, and an unexpected twist. Some have villains, accomplices, and heroes. Some haunt us, others inspire and entrance us, but there is no escaping the fact that stories shape how we think and experience the past, present, and future.
Engage in an adventure of the imagination because for one evening, all books lead to one place: “The Library of Babel.” Come as a favorite character, the character you truly are, or someone entirely new. Join us in a living plot twist and shape the evening’s narrative with your creative presence and participation. It will be a night where fairy tales, history, poetry and mythology co-exist, and where plots cross and twist like neural networks and overlapping commuter lines to strange destinations. It will be an evening where the normal rules of grammar and reality are made to blush and shatter. Let us add new stories to the infinite Library of Babel.
If you are planning to theme your entire table for dinner, contact us to let us know!
Storytime speakeasy – Artumnal Gathering Celebration
Dance the night away Burning Man style on Friday, November 15, 2019! The Artumnal Gathering Celebration deserves its own night for revelers to connect, dream, and imagine in a spectacular setting. This experiential event presented by Pink Mammoth will kick off a weekend devoted to Artumnal celebrations. More details coming soon.
Make it a Weekend
Consider making it a weekend to support Burning Man Project’s Art and Civic Engagement programs by attending both events: the Storytime Speakeasy Artumnal Gathering Celebration on Friday, November 15, 2019 and the Library of Babel Dinner and Auction on November 16, 2019.
Your participation nurtures Burning Man Art and Civic Engagement and more
Artumnal Gathering weekend event proceeds directly support Burning Man Project’s Art and Civic Engagement programs that nurture a global spectrum of projects and partnerships inspired by the art and community of Black Rock City and beyond. Programs include Honoraria Art Grants providing $1.3M to projects coming to Black Rock City, Art Support Services to help artists install their pieces on playa, Civic Arts helping to place Burning Man art beyond the playa, Global Art Grants that foster participation and creativity through public projects around the world, the Regional Network, Burners Without Borders, and more.
Your generosity will fuel the ongoing mission of Burning Man Project, a nonprofit organization that believes in a world of creativity, participation, and Radical Self-expression. Every day we provide support for the Regional Network, artists, volunteers, and our community across the globe because we know the transformative experiences that happen in Black Rock City are inspiring a world of change.
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“Burning Man is the only place in the world where I have found a space in which I can express myself and, at the same time, learn as an artist and as a person.” – Black Rock City Arts Honoraria Recipient